Ultimate Cybertruck Charging Solution: Never Run Out of Battery Again

Here’s a question that I get literally every single day when I film videos of my cyber truck. What happens when you come to get into your vehicle in the morning, you look at its battery percentage, and you realize that you forgot to charge last night. You got super busy. You just really, honestly forgot to plug it in. At the end of the night, you’re kind of stuck, right? Well, you can come over to your home charger, plug it in. However, this will take several hours because it’s much slower than other charging methods. For me, this would not be an issue because 49% in a cyber truck is 153 miles. Now, I have no plans to go over 153 miles today, but if you did, here’s what you can do. Just go up to this map right here, click there, click here, and click there, and it’ll show you all of the chargers that are Superchargers. And this is actually the first time I’ve ever seen one that is not working. I think that means that it’s being built, but I’m not sure. But you can pick any one of these Superchargers. I have one just a couple of miles from my house that I can click and drive to, and in 10 minutes, you can get over 150 miles of range in a cyber truck. So there’s really no excuse to be late going anywhere.