Optimal Pelvic Opening: A Guide to Labor Positions for Childbirth

What is the best layer position to open your pelvis? Sherburn, it’s important to note that there are three pelvic levels, and they all open in a different way. The top of the pellus opens more with movements like the squat or pelmic, tilting from front to back. And these movements help your baby enter or engage into the pelvis. The other man pelvis opens with open hip positions, and the lower mid pelvis opens more with closed hip positions. You can also open the mid pelvis by shifting your weight from side to side or doing hip circles. All of these movements are helping your baby rotate through the pelvis, and then we can open the bottom of the pelvis with internal hip rotation with knees and ankles out to make it easier for a baby to extend their head underneath a pewborne to be born. So as you can see, there is no one best labor position cuz there’s a variety of different movements that create different types of space within your pelvis based on where your baby is. Learn more labor positions and what the best time is to do each of the labor positions by joining our childbirth education course.