Cautionary Tale: Beware of Misunderstandings and Internet Echo Chambers

I’ve got a little cautionary tale for you so that you don’t come a cropper like I have this evening um I’ve got a bit of a husky voice as I’ve just come back from hosting a cabaret show this evening and don’t let this little echo chamber of an app and its algorithm trick you into thinking that everybody has seen the same things on the internet that you’ve seen or don’t even trick yourself that everybody spends as much time on the internet as you because during the show um I had made reference early doors to “very demure, very mindful, very cutesy” got a good laugh which is lovely was all to do with consent and if the audience didn’t want a performer approaching them they would put their fingers to their lips very discreetly very demure, very mindful they were like “teehee we get the reference” so it’s like clearly this is my kind of crowd so a little bit later there’s a burlesque dancer taking to the stage I’m like are you all ready to get a little bit sexy? give me an ooh if you’re ready to get sexy they will get me an ooh give me an ah if you’re ready to get sexy they will get ah give me a not the bore worms not the bore worms silence confusion disdain from a room of 80 people going *mouths bore worms*