Wanderlust Dreams: A Journey Around the World for Pizza, Beaches, and Gelato

If you could hop on a plane anywhere in the world right now, where would it be and why? Space? No. Rome cause I feel like Pizza. Australia, I wanna go to the beach right now. Rio because it’s the Cidade Maravilhosa. Japan. I’ve already been this year, but I’ll I’ll go again. Totally putting me on the spot. I have no time to prepare for this now. I probably go to Portugal. I’ve been to a lot of places in the next one. Next on the list, South Africa, Cape Town, safari, anything with animals. Thailand, cause I’m craving some good Thai food. I would go to Iceland cause I went there in November and I loved it. It’s the best place I’ve ever visited Thailand because I love the food, the people and the weather there. Oh, I. Rio de Janeiro never been high on the list. Um, I would love to go to Australia because I can use some sun, but I think it’s winter there right now. South Africa. I’ve always wanted to go. Italy. Always Italy. Gelato.