Tongue-Tied Artistry: A Collection of Poems and Reflections on Identity, Empowerment, and Cultural Critique

I wanna be an artist not an object people fawn at not a shock value sexual thrill not a notch in a belt or a kill I wanna be an artist that you come to when you kissed your love or you lost your job or you miss your mom or you feel things for no damn reason if you don’t bite your tongue you won’t make it home I wanna be an artist that you come to when you feel like a 10 or you want revenge are you reliving trauma I just wanna be an artist with literature references and genius repetitives (or stupid repetitives) I have so many poems deep in my notes app that I think might help girls like me I bit my tongue and I made it home but I feel like an asshole so I just gotta say now I feel like an asshole but just let me say you’re angry I use my body every day and I’m angry too you’re pissed and anyone can use it who isn’t you are you tired yet of complaining? cause I’m not even close I can’t exist with my t*ts in bliss without you being gross I would’ve wallowed in the hate before but I’m old enough to know I deserve more and you’re old enough to retire retire your ignorant bigotry illiterate misery your internet history retire your resentment towards women these miniscule victories if you don’t hold your tongue you’ll die in this industry