Homemade Biscuits and Gravy Recipe: A Comforting Breakfast Classic

biscuits and gravy is one of my all time favorite foods for breakfast I love just some good country gravy on top of a buttermilk biscuit so I Learned how to make this gravy years ago and I used to use the packets and I have never gone back because I feel like making it homemade is easier so take that um breakfast gravy and brown it in a pan don’t drain the fat and then you add in a cup of flour you stir it around until there’s no more dry flour everything is absorbed into that meat into that grease and once you get it all mixed in I just turn the heat off or turn it down to low for just a sec and then I add in two cups of milk and I turn that heat right back on and then I just stir it around you don’t need a whisk cause all that sausage gets caught in the whisk add a teaspoon of salt teaspoon of pepper and you haven’t added all the milk yet but it’s gonna start thickening so you’ve got it on medium heat right now once it’s pretty thick then go ahead and add the rest of the milk and just gently stir it um it it is going to thicken and right here is where you can stir it cook it as long as you want so that it reaches the consistency that you like I like mine kind of thick so I cook it a little bit longer but if you don’t want to you can either don’t cook it as long or add a little bit more milk and it’s that easy like that easy and it reheats really well and then just spin it over those biscuits I made a video on the buttermilk biscuits the other day so you can go to YouTube and watch that or find it on this channel