Negotiating a Deal for an Abandoned Wagon with Kyle: A Story of Bargaining and Strategy

Well, um, Kyle, what do you need for something like this? Treat me right. I just drove all the way up here in the middle of nowhere. Haha. 25. I think I’m sitting. What do you say? I think I’m sitting in someone else’s car. Kyle’s a buddy of mine, but I mean, 25 for a wagon’s been sitting in the field forever. What about 8:50? I usually go in half, but I don’t even want to go there. Richard, he’s pretty tough on you. On. On trying to get that price down. I can understand that, cause we have to do the same thing. But about 1850, we’re gonna ditch this chat. I mean, the suspension, we’re gonna ditch the motor and transmission. So what we’re doing, what we’re bargaining here for is a body. I don’t know. I’m thinking about 12 bucks. We always have to work with guys. Leave a little meat on the bones. We left a little meat on the bone for him. Also. We need to move it. Let’s do it. All right, cool. We got a deal there. All right. Thank you. See