Lessons Learned from Traveling: Building Strong Relationships through Exploration and Respect

You guys know about the famous saying that they say if you really want to know someone to the core, either live with them or travel with them. No, I’m not quite sure about the living, because a lot of people live with one another and for many, many years, they don’t get to know each other. Eventually they do. But in travelling, which is going to be a few days or maybe a few weeks, you really get to know each other so well. And I do have quite a few experiences with that with different people. First of all, I don’t suggest traveling with people that you just got to know. You just met them and they are really nice. They seem really wonderful. But, um, no traveling, because you want to see them at least a few times, test them out and see if they are your cup of tea. The second thing is that you wanna make sure that you kind of matchy match. If you’re couples, you want your man to match the other guy. Or you match with your friend and have the same basic interests. Like, for example, if she likes shopping, you like shopping. If she likes sightseeing, the same thing goes. At least a few things in common. Also respect the other party’s privacy. For example, if you wanna go for a walk and the other party doesn’t wanna join, that’s okay. You don’t have to do everything together. It’s the Fact that you’re together, you go eat out together or cook at home. Whether you have Airbnb, you’re at a hotel, restaurant, you know, at least you spend some time together. But you respect each other’s privacy and that’s really important. For example, we went to a three day, two night, um, out of town trip. We went to Big Bear, pretty close by, a couple of hours drive from where we live with another couple. And I know the wife. My friend gets severe migraines and at times she can’t function. Even if she’s on pills, she has to stay in the room and rest. No problem. The three of us went out, or sometimes the husband didn’t join us and we went for a walk or we went out there, you know, to look around and just enjoy the nature. We respected that privacy. She wanted to spend time on her own. She was in pain, she couldn’t be functional with us. And you respect that. It’s not like, oh my god, wherever we go, you know, so and so, get sick or there. No, it comes with the territory. You respect that and they respect you as well. It’s a two way street. These are lessons that I have Learned through years and years of travelling by myself or with different categories of people. But again, you have to get to know them really well before you travel with them, because you’re stuck with them there. You Can’t do anything. You can’t get a ticket or change your ticket or drive back home by yourself. Especially if you’re driving in one car. Um, you can’t really go through that whole, um, argument that as of like, you’re not doing it, you’re travelling, you wanna enjoy yourself. So you basically are stuck there. So you might as well, while you’re there, make the best of it. And remember, don’t travel with them anymore if you don’t get along with them. However, make sure prior to leaving that you know these people as much as you can. Get to know them. Now, I have been lucky as far as friends are concerned. And I’ve done a lot of travelling with different friends, but I have had a little bit of my share of a disaster traveling or trip with people that I Learned my lesson from. And those were the people that were introduced through another, um, pair of people. And we all travel together and we had just gotten to know them through the other couple. And that was a mistake. Just because your other friends know them and they are happy with them and they have good experiences with them doesn’t mean you are the same. You have to get to know people for yourself. It’s like someone comes and badmouth someone else, uh, in front of me and, um, I have to find out for myself. I’m not ever going to rely exactly on what they Say I’m going to be cautious, um, based on my experience in the past that what I’ve been through and everything. But I’m not going to base their whole personality on what the other party says, because that’s their conception and understanding of who they are. So if someone says, let’s go travelling with this couple that I already know, that’s great, fine and dandy. But you have to give it a try to get to know those people and see if they really match your personality or if it’s going to be. There’s gonna be a conflict or something. Travelling is really important. You wanna go and relax and enjoy your time away and we be, uh, you know, with your hubby, family, good friends. You don’t want to waste it. You spend the time and the money to go away not to be miserable. The fact is that you live and hopefully you learn through these experiences. I remember we went on, um, cruise ship with another couple and their children and our children. My kids were younger and the husband was a doctor. And, um, he kept sleeping in. So just us with my husband, the only, like, adult man, um, took us around on the ship or outside, you know, when there was a stop, you know, on one of the islands. And he was constantly sleeping. And he said, I came here to rest, basically sleep in the room. Yeah, you can go to a Secluded place with your family and do that, but when you share it with others, that’s not right. Even the wife was really embarrassed and uncomfortable. And we said, it’s okay. You know, we are having to fun together. Children are having fun together. But every single day. And when it was night, time to go out, you know, Captain’s night, you know, party night, he was all ready and said, come and have dinner and go back to bed and sleep again until the next noon. And while we were up and having breakfast and exercising by the pool, enjoying ourselves, everything. So that wasn’t the right thing to do. And we never traveled with them again. We’re still friends to this day, but never traveling friends. So today we are going to a whole day trip with another couple of our friends, which they’re fantastic. We’ve been far and near, um, travelling with them, and we understand each other. We, um, respect each other’s privacy and boundaries. And I like that in a friendship, that’s a necessity, especially when you’re travelling together. So we’re gonna go for a whole day, and I’m really looking forward to this. Um, these are the kind of people that when you sit with them, you know, maybe just the four of us are sitting there on a couch and talking to each other. We could be quiet on our phones or going and grabbing a cup. Cup of tea and coming and Sitting down and not, not talking to each other for minutes and maybe even half an hour or so. But we understand. We are there to. They’re together and we are enjoying being together. And just the company of each other is good enough. And that’s what I call a good friendship. And we are there for each other at any time, good times, bad times, and god forbid, you know, every single part of the day. Um, we try to, um, accommodate when we’re together. We try to have, um, respect them, they try to respect us. It’s just an ongoing thing. It’s not like it’s okay today, oh, I’m with them, and then, you know, behind their back or whatever. But it’s an ongoing thing then. That’s what a true and real relationship is. So we’re going with them and we’re travelling with them. I’m really looking forward to this because it’s relaxation with them. Um, my friend is, um, very spiritual, loves nature like myself. And so we’re really gonna enjoy this trip. And hopefully I get, uh, the chance to do, um, some videos on, um, the parts that we’re actually visiting. It’s only about an hour and a half or so away. Maybe max two hours from us. Hope everyone is having a fantastic day. Enjoy yourself and be safe out there. Love you.