Reflections on Fatherhood and Basketball Success: A Conversation with a Star Player

Do you ever give a speech today or during the playoffs? Do you ever speak to the team? Like, a locker room speech? Hmm. Let me know. I mean, so I’m curious what you are feeling right now and if you’re looking forward to a parade coming up with me. Men’s Parade. Men’s parade, Thursday. I need to go home. How have you grown? And what have you Learned from being a dad? And have you noticed any of those skills translating to being a better basketball player? Nah. You know what I mean? That’s gonna help you. You’re the fourth player in NBA Finals history to record the line that you had today, joining, like, LeBron, uh, KD, and Tim Duncan. Uh, what do you. What do you think about when you hear that? It’s not a big 23, 12 and four fort ever the 23, 10 and four. Oh, I. Congratulation. I’m gonna see the. His destiny. No, I don’t know. I mean. Oh, mama fly. How many texts you have me? A lot. A lot. I know. I’m not gonna. I’m gonna turn off the phone.