Title: Call for Leadership and Unity: Standing in Solidarity with the People of KIA

Gentlemen, uh, regarding what is happening in this country, as one of the, as the chairman of the Gen Z, the person who believes in young people, I want to stand in solidarity with the people of the K I A, that is the K a, a aviation authority, whatever they are, those, the G K I a people demonstrating over the, the takeover deal that wanted to be assigned by the president. I want to ask William Ruto that it’s good to listen to the people. Sometimes you don’t have to force your way. Go with the pace of the people. When the president, er, former president er, uh, Uhuru Kenyatta was there, he built the terminals, different terminals at JKIA er, we have seen improvements in the Kisumu, er, Kisumu International Airport and among many other airports there. So there is no need to be pushed so hard. Until people to, to, to demonstrate is when you can listen to them. I want to ask you with a lot of respect that you have to listen to the Kenyans and lead them the way they want. The G K I a cannot be sold at all, at all, at all. I was in Dubai. In Dubai, even the transport sector is being done by the government. But the little thing that er can symbolizes the Kenyans, you want to take them again to, to franchise or to lease it to another, it doesn’t show the picture that is Why we are asking you today that you must listen to Kenyans and stop that thing that you want to do. Ja.