Tired of Intimate Scenes: A Generation Z Perspective

Generation Z, we are tired of intimate scenes in movies and series. I explain everything to you, 1 new study conducted by luciella 1 university in Los Angeles revealed that viewers Americans between 10 and 24 years old wanted to see fewer intimate scenes on screen. Indeed, fifty-one for 100 of the thousand five hundred people respondents to state that they want more content on the platonic relations and friendships. For 47.5% of respondents, intimate scenes are not required in most series TV and movies, while 44% believe that romance is overused. And there are several explanations for this. The 1st is that generation Z has much less frequent relationships that the 39 or 49 in their time or even today. And this is especially true for boys, which should send them back 1 feeling of discomfort and 1 decline in self-confidence. The other explanation that everyone thought of, well, it is obviously the virtual platform. And if is durable to blame because it releases dozens of new content every day, it is contained originals that she highlights most for teenagers and well contain almost systematically intimate scenes. And it’s true that in the long run it gets boring and that often it doesn’t even have to be. But the thing is, as long as it works, well, it will continue to appear. So what do you think of this study? And don’t forget? To subscribe.