Beware of the Fake Podcast Scam Targeting Verified Facebook Pages

These people have been targeting me for months with this fake podcast scam. Um, seemed really obviously a scam to me, but I verified it on um, Reddit, as one does, uh. But it occurred to me that maybe people didn’t know about this. So if you have a verified Facebook page, um, be on the lookout for this. Basically, they email you and say that they’re a producer with a very, very well known podcast they wanna invite you on. Um. And this is where your alarm bell should go off. They say as a thank you for your time, we’re gonna give you, you know, $3,000, $4,000. One email I got from them said like five or six thousand dollars. Podcasts don’t pay you to appear on them. Um. I’ve never heard of such a thing and I’ve done a lot of podcasts. And if someone were to pay you, it would not be thousands of dollars. And then if you say yes, they say, oh actually, um, you know, we do this through Facebook, um. So you know, we’re gonna invite you to this Facebook event and just say yes. And then when you get on to do it, they say, oh actually, can you just give our producer some permissions for a second so we can like, set things up in the background? And then when you do that, they take control of your verified Facebook page. So if you have a verified Facebook page, if You’re getting, um, emails about joining some famous person on their podcast? I think the last email I got was, like, supposedly from Jimmy Kimmel. Um, just know that that’s what that’s all about.