Transforming Unwanted Leftovers into Delicious Freezer Meals: A Shepherd’s Pie Recipe Makeover

Let’s take a bunch of food nobody wants to eat and turn it into something everybody wants to eat. And transparently, I also don’t want to eat the leftovers right now. This is poor tenderloin, by the way. Mashed potatoes. I hate mashed potatoes. Sure. But guess what? You can actually meal prep your leftovers into a freezer meal and pull them out later when you’re in a better mood. This is cream of mushroom soup and we’re making like a Shepherd’s pie situation. The pork was already seasoned, but I don’t know, let’s just season it again, right? Today is not my day. Very protective onion powder. I’m gonna add a little bit of thyme just to make it look more savory. Salt, not too much cause again, it was already seasoned. The can of soup is pretty. I’m just gonna mix it right in the dish. I was gonna do it like in layers, but there’s a lot of sauce compared to the frozen peas, frozen corn. Oh gosh, this is all in like a big chunk. I don’t like that. Well, it’s fine cause you’re not eating it. Does it need cheese? No. Would it be better with cheese? Probably. Back to school. Me will be really glad that nobody, including myself, felt like eating these leftovers today.