Rocking with Waterloo: Sparkling Water, Peach Harvest, and a Cool Lick in B Minor

Happy day to you all. Today I’m rocking a little Waterloo, uh, sparkling water, peach harvest. Pretty good stuff. It makes drinking water a little more fun. Alright, speaking of fun, I got a cool lick to show you in the key of B minor. Goes something like this. Okay, what I’m doing here is on the 19 17 15 on the E string, and then 19 17 15 on the B string. So I’m gonna start with an upstroke pull off, and then you’re gonna pick the next three notes right above it. Down, up, down. All together. Okay? Pretty easy. Sounds really badass when you speed it up. Okay, so let’s play it to some music. Key of E minor. Remember