DIY Project: Creating an Agent Carter Spirit Jersey

Crafty friends, I need your help. Are you familiar with the spirit jerseys that you can get at Disneyland? The ones that are like. Hold on. See, it’s got the Disneyland D, and it says Disneyland across the back, and they’re super fun and they’re super cute. I got this one. It’s pink and gold because me. I got this one. If you aren’t aware, my favorite Marvel character is Captain America. And. And Peggy Carter. I am Peggy. I got this one, and it says Captain America across the back. Super cute, right? They don’t have any Peggy merch, and I’m really upset about that. I mean, I understand that her TV series didn’t do super great, but they don’t have any Peggy merch. So I have found myself a blank white spirit tee. Same cut, same fabric, same everything. It’s just white. And I’m gonna make myself a Peggy Carter one. You know, should it say Captain Carter? Agent Carter? Should it just say Peggy Carter? Thinking about putting her. Either her hat on the front right here, and it can say Agent Carter across the back, or maybe S S R. Logo or. I don’t know, something, uh, let you. I’m gonna make my own Agent Carter Spirit Jersey. Okay. Let’s chat. Okay. Bye.