Big Bag Trends: A Cajun-Inspired Cooking Adventure

Mama. While I was sitting around the house with the family, I decided I was gonna make us a little Cajun smoked Turkey with a little Po boy Wang Cajun seasoning, little garlic and herb, lemon, pepper. And I went on and put some greens on. As I was sitting waiting on that to get tender, I decided I was gonna get on my phone and scroll through social media. And I. I noticed a whole bunch of folks on there talking about buying some big bag. And I guess that’s the thing nowadays, everybody buying big bag. So as I was watching big bags on the internet, I was inspired to make some dip with this Cajun smoked Turkey and green. So I went on ahead and got me some cream cheese, some sour cream, some garlic, little polio Wayne season, and I put some shredded cheese in there. And I went on ahead and got some of those greens with that Cajun smoked Turkey, and I mixed that up in there, and I put a little bit more cheese across the top, and I let that broil for a bit. It is. I was sitting there dipping my chips in my collard green dip. I was thinking about all this big back activity on social media.