Title: Analysis of Ubisoft’s Misstep in the FMG9 Buff for Duck Online: Recoil Worsens Despite Promised Improvements

Ubisoft completely messed up the FMG9 buff for Duck Online. It says that the gun is supposed to get buffed, it’s supposed to get reduced recoil, reduced kick and be stable for longer but here we are on the test server and here is what the recoil pattern says on the bottom right. Overall it looks fairly high on the main build though in the current season since we’re not in Year 9, Season 3 yet, here’s the recoil pattern it’s actually better or even though the patch notes say that it’s going to get reduced that recoil actually got increased significantly as well which makes a lot of sense cause when I was playing on the test server I was thinking to myself like I don’t normally have this much trouble controlling the FMG9. It’s normally not that great of a gun to control but I’m not normally this bad with it. It just kept getting away from me. So even though nuke is getting it both with her gadget next season, both nuke and smoke are getting nerfed for this gun and I do think the recoil nerf is almost bad enough that it’s not worth running or if you are gonna run it you’re gonna have to run it with a one time scope. Now this the one point just the 2.5 times scope is gonna be too much to handle at least for most people. I thought this might just be a temporary bug and maybe Soft would fix it, but it’s now been a week of the test server and they still haven’t done anything. So I think that this is intended, the recoil is just gonna be worse from now on.