Unlock Your Career Success: The Truth About Job Search Coaching

As a 20 year career coaching veteran who has helped thousands of people get new, better paying jobs, I’m going to tell you that when a job seeker comes to me and they are not getting the results they’re looking for, it always comes down to one thing. Now, I will hear excuses all the time. For example, um, it’s too much money to work with a career coach. I don’t have the time to work with a career coach. I’ve tried other career coaches, it hasn’t worked. Um, my situation is unique. Uh, the. The excuses and I know it’s hard to hear that the reasons in your mind is that I’m, I’m a failure and how embarrassing will it be if I work with a career coach and she points out what’s wrong with me and I can’t do this now, I’ve paid money to get help for someone to tell me there’s something wrong with me. That is people’s biggest fear. I’m a failure and therefore something’s wrong with me. And so they continue to try to figure it out for themselves. Right. And they don’t get the results they’re looking for. Because as a 20 year career coaching veteran, I know what the other side is looking for. I worked in staffing and recruiting. My job is to close your gaps in knowledge, maybe clear there’s nothing wrong with you and you’re not a failure. The only way you’re a failure is if you truly give Up. But you’re not gonna give up, right? And so I challenge you on that. Because if there was a way for you to risk free, 100%, no risk to you, use job search career coaching so that you can see for the first time that it’s not you and you’re not a failure. Your whole life would change. So I’m gonna do that for you. Because you made it this far. TikTok 10 is the super secret discount code. TikTok ten. If you go over the link in my bio, you can try. Risk free, no charge for 7 days. My job search career coaching program. I will be live all this week with my members answering your questions. And just to give you an idea, 70% of people that start a free trial with us stay with us. And another 15% of those 30% that cancel, come back. That’s how successful we are. And so I want you to come in and experience it risk free. And that TikTok ten, this super secret discount code, also takes $10 a month off. So when you do decide to stay, you’re gonna get $10 off a month. Cancel at any time, risk free. So what are you waiting for? Because you’re not a failure. There’s nothing wrong with you. You just need some gaps in knowledge closed. Okay? You can do this. And I want to help you. Good luck. Go get them.