Help Needed: Choosing a Cover Photo for ‘Burned by Fire’ – Picture No. 1 or Picture No. 2?

I need your help. I have a pretty important decision to make. As you guys probably know, I am releasing a new song very soon and I need help picking a cover photo for my new song. My new song is gonna be called burned by fire and you guys have these two options. Picture No. 1 is this one. Take it in, suck it into your soul. Let me know. Is it supposed to be picture No. 1 or picture No. 2? Which is this one? The colors are different. The colors are a lot more cold here. They were a lot warmer on picture No. 1. So let me know if you prefer picture No. 1 or picture number two. I will admit I have my favourite, but I want your guys unbiased opinion. What do you guys like best? Picture No. 1 or picture No. 2? The song is gonna be a rock like song about growing up and outgrowing all the bullying you’ve been through, all of the people who didn’t believe in you. Kind of saying like fuck you to those guys and succeeding anyway. Like watch me succeed. The song is gonna be called Burned by fire. Keep all this in mind when picking picture No. 1 or picture No. 2. Thank you for your help everyone. Very much appreciating it.