Coke Zero Oreo Limited Edition Review: A Surprising Twist on a Classic Combination

Zero Sugar Oreo Coke Zero. That’s what it’s called. It’s not zero sugar Cola fizzy cookie flavoured, but it says Oreo at the top. Limited edition. I don’t go into petrol stations often because I have an electric car. So I went with what a flex. I didn’t mean it like that. I just mean I don’t always see the new things. I just went with Tim to fill his car up and I saw Oreo flavoured Coke Zeros. What the hell? Of course we had to get two. They’re probably gonna be gross cause I can’t imagine Oreo in a drink would taste nice. Oh, cheers. Cheers. Oh, it’s kinda like Coke vanilla. Vanilla Coke just tastes like the white bit in an Oreo. No, it does. I can. I can more taste the cookie bit as opposed to the white bit. Maybe we’ll take a bigger gulp to get the full flavour experience. Yeah, let’s just chug it. Yeah, there it is. That’s a cookie. I love Oreo. I love Coke Zero. But together. Not for you. Not for me. You’re holding in a burp. But I definitely recommend trying it out for yourself. Make up your own mind. Bye bye.