Player Rankings and Reactions in Madden: From Speed to Jumping Ability

you are the slowest player on our team in Madden how you feel about that Who voted me as slowest player? a bunch of people that are important apparently I’m not ****** slow dude! notable overall rankings highest rated with 92 fourth highest rate quarterback in Madden how do you feel about that it’s pretty awesome number one of my heart that’s my unbiased opinion you’re number one in my heart okay Dalton Kincaid overall rankings of a 79 how do you feel about that Booooo fastest player on Bills Madden with a 94 what get the **** outta my face I don’t know I don’t know new to the team rookie fresh out of Penn State god you’re awesome Madden has you rated as highest jumping ability on the Buffalo Bills with a 96 how you make that how’s that how’s that feel you know at the combine I did jump a forty two and a half vertical mmm can you give us a jump real quick just a quick little just something elevation the little bit more bend the knees oh my agility’s pretty bad 76 I think you’re more agile than that see that right there oh yeah