Embrace True Freedom: A Manifesto for Being Yourself and Living Without Fear

Many of you are slaves in the entertainment business. Many of you are slaves to yourselves. You’re not saying that. Oh, one person, they tell me yesterday say, do you want people? People, people. Many people don’t like you. I say, I don’t really care the people. Where those people like. How did it benefit them? You see, many people don’t like. Am I looking for your likeness? You. Do you like yourself? Ha, ha. Do you? Do you like yourself? Do you think I care about. See, let me tell you something. There’s nothing as good in this life as freedom. Freedom to express yourself, freedom to be yourself. I’m not saying you should be rude, I’m not saying you should be pompous, I’m not saying you should be proud. But be free. You don’t understand where you are. Not as I do. Like this. If I talk about. Okay, for instance, this. Say, David, David, don’t be my friend. Damien Clark, don’t be my friend. I’m not looking for friendship from them, I’m not looking for favour. I just. They talk within day without being biased. You don’t understand this. How many people can boast of such freedom? Be free, man. Be free. No fear, no licking, no let anybody gauge you. Say you no go free. Oh, God. Be yourself. Talk your mind. You might not be alive tomorrow. That’s the truth. You never can tell. The day will be your day. The day that is your Day to leave this earth. You don’t know you can’t freedom. Be yourself. Not a fears. They go, they go castigate me, they go. The people, they don’t castigate where they be? The people, they don’t castigate, where they be? Eh, you know how many things. Don’t worry now, this is just the beginning. I never even reached 10% of who I supposed to be. I just small, small. I don’t unleash myself. But guess what? I am free, I am happy, I am. See, don’t even worry yourself. This is the best place to be in life where you don’t need anybody’s favour. You don’t need anybody’s favour. No. They ask for favour for man. You know what that thing be now? God, see? Oh, I don’t know how to express this thing, this thing now. Now it’s a. It’s a place. So you’re not under any bondage financially, you’re not under any bond. You know they put any. No pressure? Nope. No. I said like you nothing intimidate me. There’s nothing you can intimidate me with. If you like drive the most expensive car, make, I need Trek. You not intimidate me. Freedom and it comes from within. You understand? Are from within. Some of them are the reason why you are. You are falling sick. The reason why you are now. Pressure. Pressure from external forces. Oh, this person don’t make it. This person don’t back this person. Don’t focus on yourself, leave them. Am I making Sense. Ha ha ha ha! Shalom