Exciting Adventures in the Big Apple and Beyond: A Reunion Birthday Trip Full of Surprises

Okay, I leave for New York in less than 12 hours. We need to pack. Correction I’m actually flying into Boston to meet my friend who I haven’t seen in over a year. Guys, this trip has been so long in the planning, it’s actually her birthday the day I arrived and we’re jumping straight in the car and going down to meet her family on the Cape before heading back to Boston and then zipping over to NYC for the end of the week. I swear to God, the night before a trip is like Christmas Eve for adults. It’s actually quite hard to sleep. I’m that excited about buffing around and feeling like a local. My friend’s one of those cool people that doesn’t have any social media, so we’re gonna have a year of catching up to do. My note section is literally full of life updates. The plan is literally to bop around between coffee shops, thrift shops, workout classes, and restaurants. But if you guys have any must do’s then I am all ears.