Friendship Fallout: Cleo Trappa and Ice Spice Exchange Fiery Messages

Cleo Trappa ended up sending Ice Spice a very long message where she basically just told her all her feelings, and she said everything that she already explained to us in the last four parts. I’m really just gonna read Ice Spice’s messages back to her. So right here, she said, now you’re mad and grateful, but I expect that by now even James said it. Not even gonna over explain myself. Also, didn’t know you wasn’t on the bus right now. You really stayed in ATL? You need to communicate with your managers more because they said they didn’t have a problem getting your room. My fault for inviting you. And then look at your tweets. Cleo Trappa replied yes to staying in Atlanta, and she said, your fave eater must have been out there. Yes. Mind you, Cleo Trappa has a boyfriend, so you’re kind of insinuating that she’s cheating on her man. So she didn’t like that, and she said, girl, Boo, you wanted to be in Daja’s room all day sleeping. You’re so incredibly ungrateful and needy. It’s insane. Everybody is grinding. You must think I’m a robot. I’m also a human, and you’re not my responsibility. I don’t know why you act like this. For real. Shit is sad, man. Where the fuck were you gonna put your assistant? What? By Cleo? You know how many time N words ordered food and didn’t tell me? Like, not. No way. This is really how you felt? And didn’t speak up. Cleo Trapp says calling me needy as an artist is mad funny and she says why cash not on by bus if he’s the opener? I’m guessing she meant to say my bus. And she says whatever, since I’m so terrible to you, stop being my friend. I don’t give a fuck with the peace on. Cleo said I know you don’t, that’s my point XOXO then I said so why come mind you staying in Dodge’s room that I’m paying for? Acting like n words had you on the street begging for food shaking my head this that she y’all he was talking about. Then Cleo was like what? You want me to get second opinions from everybody? Let me know. And ice was like did you already get second opinions from Dija? Ice spice goes you the opposite of respectful. You’re gonna act like you ain’t try to call me dumb saying I just Learned words. Cleo said you disrespected me first by bringing up my boyfriend girl laugh my ass off. Like saying I’m an ATL to cheat is disrespectful as fuck. Ice Spice said enjoy your little story time. Then Cleo said enjoy being friendless. I spy said enjoy being careerless. Cleo said laugh my ass off. Mind you two completely different things, but I guess that was in the draft cause you’re weird like that. I spy said you think you’re the only bitch I was friends with? Entitled loser that Thinks the world revolves around her. Then she said, you said, enjoy being friendless. You thought you ate that. What the fuck does that make you? Then she said, they go hand in hand. You wouldn’t know, mind you. Was with my childhood friend on the Europe leg, college friends on the US leg, and your bum ass, who I thought was a friend as well. So when did it get friendless? So Cleo said, now I’m a bum. Oh, shit. Laugh my fucking ass off. I’m out. Ice spice said, yeah, bum ass crying about a hotel room. Then Cleo basically said, i’mma tear you a new one. And ice spice said, hopefully you make a career out of it with a heart.