Drama Unraveled in Twitter Spaces: Ice Spice’s Revelations About Cleo Trappa and Their Tour Experiences

Ice Spice went on Twitter Spaces to speak on Cleopatra and everything that she’s been saying about her. And the title of the space was hmm. Basically spoke about how she feels like Cleopatra is leaving a few things out and how she’s crashing out and going on rants. She said how the moment somebody feels like they cannot use your platform anymore and use you, that’s when they start crashing out. She said she was genuinely trying to help little Choppa cause she has 10,000 monthly listeners on Spotify. And she said what happened was the tour, like, they ended up getting like an extra bus, so she was like, okay, we’re gonna have like, extra room. So Cleo, like, do you, do you wanna go, do you wanna go perform? Like, do you wanna come on tour with me? She spoke about how Cleo Trappas not speaking on how they went to theme parks and they was on ride screaming they fucking asses off and could barely perform the next day. How apparently they went to like, an Italian restaurant, Cleo Trappa ate her food so motherfucking fast that the, um, the waiter was like, damn, where the food go? And she called Cleo Trappa a vacuum. She said that Cleo Trappa never came to her talking about a chicken salad. And she said the whole, like, back room situation was like, girl, damn, I want to play with my Gucci and peace like, you want to sleep With me every day type shit. She was saying, like, how Cleo Chapa expects for her workers to work for her. And she said that one time Cleo Chapa literally came into the bathroom while she was butt ass naked in the shower, talking about the bag. That, you know, how she wanted somebody to help her bring her bags into the hotel or the venue, I think. And she was talking about how she thought it was weird that she was, like, comparing a tour bus to a spaceship. He also said that this is basically like a part of thing, like, people do this to you. Like, even if she was trying to be so fucking nice, it just didn’t work out. And she’s like, this is what I get for trying to be nice, but I’m never gonna stop being nice to anybody. She also brought up the fact that Cleo Trapper said that she is soulless and dark, and she was like, how you gonna be friends with me for two years and think that about me? And then she was like, if anything, we both need saving. She said they even went to the movies. They was siphoning. And then at the end she just said, you know, I’m. I’m announcing European date soon. I’m going to bed. Bye. You are so, yeah. I don’t know if we’re gonna hear any more from Ice Spice, but Cleo Trappa also posted, like, messages of her addressing To Ice Spice, how she felt and the messages. Just. It looked like a lot was going on. I was trying to see if Cleo Trappa would, like, post it on other social medias, because I want to see, like, the entire, like, screen recording without her being in front of it, but she hasn’t done that yet. I mean, I don’t know if she’s ever gonna do that, but yeah.