Unraveling the Sinister Implications: Analyzing the Troubling Backstory of Kevin’s Parents in a Catholic Setting

The fact that Kevin’s mother is a nun while his father is a priest, while played off for laughs, has some extremely sinister implications regarding the circumstances surrounding his conception. So let’s talk a bit about it. Although it’s already well known at this point that the Catholic Church has a long and extensive history of sexual abuse, it’s not until somewhat recently that nuns were acknowledged as being among the affected groups. Nuns also have a history of perpetuating this type of abuse themselves, but that’s not the point of this video. But now, bearing that in mind, let’s take into account the power dynamics and then acknowledge that a nun has nowhere near the level of authority that a priest does. Right away, the ability of Kevin’s mother to consent to her and his father’s relationship is questionable. Now, just because, in terms of the overall hierarchy of the Catholic Church, a priest overpowers a nun, that doesn’t mean their relationship couldn’t have been consensual! Cries the audience. And to that I say it’s possible it was consensual, but given the overall context of the show, I’d argue it likely wasn’t, or that at least a certain amount of abuse was at play. And the reason that I mentioned this is because Kevin’s mother is never mentioned throughout the entirety of the show. Zero reference to her from either father or son, which leads me to believe that she is not a part of either’s lives. Now this Could also be a detail meant to emphasize how little women mean to either men’s life, to the extent that someone so intrinsic and integral to a child’s well being and survival isn’t even in the realm of passing thought. Now, the next most important fact in regards to this is that Kevin’s father was defrocked, which for those unfamiliar, is an incredibly difficult feat to accomplish. It’s on the level of getting a federal employee or police officer fired and gone for good. And what this means is that there is a massive amount of scandal attached to Kevin’s conception. His parents have not only lost their jobs, they’ve been ostracized from their communities. Their child will be a subject of gossip. And we see within the show that not only is Kevin’s father deeply religious, he references his role as a priest all the time, meaning he likely wouldn’t have left it up his own accord. And in a time frame as distressing as the one that I just described, I find it to be highly unlikely that Kevin’s father coped with this in a healthy and functional manner. The show takes pains to establish that he doesn’t. He’s a functional alcoholic that can’t bring himself to acknowledge the child whose existence destroyed the life that he built for himself. Turned out to be a disappointment, a disaster, and in many ways, every bit as much a monster as he may or may not have been.