Title: Exploring English Vocabulary: Romance vs. Anglian Origin

what if you tried to speak English using only words of romance origin I mean think about it Nearly 60% of English vocabulary comes from either Latin or French so it can’t be that hard right well let’s give it a try commencing immediately personal vocabulary contains strictly originally romance terms disregarding grammatical suffixes sure fanciful vocabulary initially appears abundant contrarily basic terms prove scarce Germanic lexical interdiction restricts entire linguistic classes communication sans pronouns prepositions conjunctions determiners practically impossible alright enough of that you get what I’m saying though right English is full of Frenchy words but they alone are not enough to speak now you might be thinking well what if we did the same thing but only spoke with words that have Anglic roots well guess what that’s what I’ve been doing ever since I snapped a bit ago could you even tell English with only Anglic [words] would end up all right but implementing Germanic lexical interdiction yeah good luck