Wearable Timepieces: Transforming Watches into Fashionable Necklaces

This is your sign to start collecting watches and wearing them as necklaces. It’s so gorgeous. It absolutely is. Thank you for noticing. My new jewellery obsession is using dainty little metal chain watches as proper jewellery, not just for the purpose of watch around your wrist. First up, let me show you my collection. I’ve been on the prowl through vintage salwars and all thrift shops solely collecting them. They’re actually really hard to come by. This is most of them. They’re absolutely stunning and they all have such character, which is why I decided to start wearing them as chokers. To create it, I just use a blank silver chain that doesn’t have anything on it and kind of flip it through. It’s a little bit tricky. It’s definitely easy when I have a, another person helping me out. Actually just bought this one with that in 10. I think it’s so cool as a choker. This makes it so much more interesting than just using a normal necklace. Also, how gorgeous this one. It is pink inside. None of these watches work, obviously, but that doesn’t matter anyway.