Embracing Boundaries: Navigating Family Dynamics on TikTok

maybe I don’t there’s a whole section of TikTok for you guys for the fired mom the estranged grandparents no contact there’s a whole section just for you go knock yourself out go have a field day you could be as disgruntled as you want over there that’s not what I’m doing that’s not what my if you’re waiting for me on a TikTok to address this it’s never gonna happen it’s just not and I try to be a nice person on here I try to really put on my customer service voice and I try to be nice I’m really not that nice and some of these comments that I get from these grandparents and let me tell you they got a straw tail I can tell the ones are already estranged from their kids or on thin ice just by their comments but some of these comments on here if it was real life all bets would be off at this point I would black out probably I’m trying not to do that trying to have a little grace on here but just no go to the other side of the internet these are hired moms this is what I’m doing not fired moms