Choosing the Best Cigarette for the Next Smoke: An American Spirit Gray Review

So what’s the best cigarette to have after smoking a cigarette? That is a very good question, and honestly it’s a little bit harder to answer than not. I’m thinking it’s probably gonna be an American spirit black though. Although at the same time that sounds like a really bad choice. So maybe not the American spirit black. Because American spirit blacks, while they are fantastic, they’re also very strong. I’ll admit they are a bit too strong for me personally. When I smoke more than one American spirit black back to back, I start feeling a little bit Nick 6 sometimes. So yeah, maybe. Maybe that wouldn’t be the greatest choice in the world. Lucky strike unfiltered back to back. You know, pretty solid choice. American spirit full body reds. You know, pretty solid choice. American spirit dark blues. Pretty solid choice. American spirit grays. You know, I think I’m gonna go with the American spirit grays cause they’re like just light enough to have two back to back, but they’re heavy enough to make it where you got a really nice buzz. The American spirit blacks are too heavy, but the grays are just about perfect if you ask me. So you know, I’m gonna have to go with the American spirit grays for being the best cigarette to have after smoking another cigarette, you know what I’m saying?