Unexpected Encounter: My Husband’s Affair Partner on Our Family Holiday

My husband’s affair partner turned up on our family holiday. Story time. Me and my soon to be husband at the time had been together for about five or six years. We had the perfect life right until he started to act. He’d be hiding his phone from me when he was texting people. He put a password on his phone, which he’d never done before. He started going to the gym, which he’d never done. And then he’d be working late in the office pretty much every night. But to be fair, I didn’t think too much of it all because of how good our life was. One month until him doing all of this stuff, I randomly just got a little bit suspicious and I went into inspector mode. So he’d started his running journey, as so many people had, and I decided to follow him in my car, basically. So I see him running and then he gets to the end of this road and stops, goes on his phone, makes a call and then stands there. But two minutes later, a car pulls up and he gets in it. It was a woman driving the car. They then just drove up and down. They went through a couple of drive throughs. Then she came back and dropped him off at the exact same place she picked him up. And as they were saying goodbye, he kissed her. He would then run back to our house and Be like big. Good run today, babe. 10 K. 10 K in under 10 minute. I planned on keeping my cool. Soon as motherfucker walked through that door, had it out with him. At the time we were engaged and we also had two kids, so I couldn’t just break up with him. He said he was sorry and broke contact with that girl straight away. Just for the record, you can break up with people if they do that to you. Just saying. Life went completely back to normal. We were a okay again. Happy little family. Two or three years go by, we’re in the queue line, we’re checking in. He’s so fine. Steve is so fine. He looks behind him and all of a sudden, head goes down, he looks like he’s seen a ghost. What’s the matter? What’s going on? He wouldn’t tell me. Whole time in the airport, my mum’s like a meerkat. Like this, I catch him staring at this stunning blonde woman, right? Swear I recognised her. I wondered if it was someone from work. And then he was like, for fuck’s sake, why someone from work? I’ll be on holiday. He refused to tell me what was wrong. This same woman then gets on our flight, she gets on our coach transfer and she’s in our hotel. I’m now sat by the pool and I’ve just realised that this is the same woman he was having that affair with. I’m here for Two weeks? I hope she’s not here for two weeks. So what the hell do I do in this situation