Dressing up with the Rule of Seven: Styling a Zebra Dress and Staying Fashionable Within the Limits

Have you all heard about the rule of seven? Each clothing piece equals one point, but if the piece is interesting, then it equals two points. And the goal is to get to Seven Points without exceeding 9 or 10 points. Oh, child. So I just got in this zebra dress. Let’s try styling it. To my understanding, this dress would be two points. Kind of wish I had a little leopard print pump, but I’m gonna do some red heels, and I think I’ll be cute. So now we’re at three points. We need four more. Putting in earrings, and I have a nose cuff, which is five. I really want to add a belt, so that’s gonna be six. I’m gonna add rings as number seven, and I’ll go up to eight with the purse. Kind of hate the belt. Are we fans of the rule of seven?