DIY Air Conditioning Recharge: A Guide to Aircon Serviceings and Safety Precautions

Chili Couplands, aircon serviceings. There’s a caveat to today’s video that I want to start off with that this is purely for entertainment purposes only. Air conditioning systems can be really dangerous. And of course, you need to be skilled and know what you are doing before you start messing about with them. Dad is a qualified f gas handler, meaning that he is licensed to use the items in today’s, uh, video. It’s interesting and it’s raised a few questions. We were able to go to Halfords and buy this product off the shelf, no questions asked. Do you need to be a professional or an expert to do this work? One thing I wanted to say before you watch this video is do not try this at home if you do not know what you are doing. You run the risk of not only breaking the law by releasing aircon refrigerants into the atmosphere unknowingly, but also to cause severe damage to your vehicle or somebody else’s vehicle. If in doubt, speak to a professional. Enjoy the video. Hello. Good morning. How are you? You okay? Alright, matey? You’ve been to Halfords? Yeah. You’ve bought a air conditioning? Yes. Replenish kit. Tell us about that kit. This is little trigger thing that you can plug on and you got a bottle of 1 3 4A and you can put a bit of gas in hopefully. Let’s go have a look at the kit. So you’ve bought this, which Is AC Pro Professional Formula AC recharge. Fast and easy. 10 minute job. You can’t use it on a modern car. No. It’s all 1, 2, 3, 4, 510 grams. It’s got all the instructions on here. How to do it, what to do. How much was that bottle? I’ve got a trade card thing, so it’s 50 old quid, nearly 60 quid. 60 quid? Yes. For 510 grams? Yes. So you’ve also had to buy something else? Yeah. Which is this. I didn’t buy the super duper digital one that gives you instructions. I bought the analog one. So this is the R1348 auto aircon. Reusable trigger and gauge. How much was that? 17 quid. Yeah. Let’s talk about safety Protection. Eye Protection. We need that. Yep. Fluoro elastomer gloves. But ordinary nitriles or latex isn’t any good for the job. You want something a bit thicker. Let’s go and do it then. Yeah. Let’s have a bash. Bonus video, bonus bit of content. Where’s the. Where’s the port though, dude? What? For the smart car. I’m guessing it’s in the front. We’re gonna test the pressure on the Smart 4 5 1. It does take R1 3 4 A. And we’ve just done the Peugeot 4:06 Aircon. Let’s. Let’s take the front off and see. See what it’s reading. I don’t know how good this tool is, but. So we found it. We’ve taken the front. Front off the smart. Yeah. There’s the little pipe. And you got The pipe here. Oh, I dislocate my wrist. Job. Don’t drop it, grommet, cause you’re getting the endoscope out. Oh no, the bore scope. This is not as easy as a Peugeot to get to get the thermometer out. It’s in the car. So we’ve connected the fitting pipe to the smart and it’s cycled through. What do you reckon? Should we go? Yeah, let’s have a look at it. The Silverline digital thermometer. Alright, what’s it reading? You’re cheating. You’re parked in the shade. 26.5. There. 24. So the aircon is on and it’s cycling and it’s showing, but it’s low, that it’s got gas in. And it has got gas in cause it works. But we’ll see what it shows in there. 19.7, 12.6. What’s it cycling through now? Just give it three minutes to settle down. You putting some in? There we go. In it goes. So my smart car system is cold. It’s not entirely freezing. Is there any benefits to filling it full? This gauge reading depends on what the ambient temperature is anyway. How does that work? Because it’s something to do where the systems end to work. Oh, okay. So the gauge is now saying it’s what, half full? And what’s it reading in there? 8 8 degrees. That’ll do for me. I don’t think it’s gonna take anymore, do you? I don’t think we need anymore. Thanks for that. You see it there? If it actually took any. Yeah, that’s a good Point. Cause we know how much it weighs. Silver line. Silver line. Yeah. That’s just what I shall do is let this thing warm up again so it’s not frosted up and escaping. Yeah. Do you know what I mean? I do. Before I take that off there. What’s that? Disappointed. You know, I was offered our old machine once. The service manager says do you want that old machine? Cause I got a new one. I wish I took it now, but. Aircon re gassing machine. Yeah. Oh, we could have undercut. Tom got yourself in a lot of problems. Chile Coupland’s aircon serviceings. It’s not the night orange now, it’s the cool orange. Yeah. Put them tops back on. Yeah. Don’t forget to put them on. Yeah. Should we see how much that bottle weighs now? Haha. Oh no, no, no. Echo, Echo, Echo and the Bunny Man. Right. So the Peugeot’s been done. Yeah. The Smart Night Orange has been done. I’m assuming we’re doing the note? No. Why not? Cause I want to do that smart speaker. Oh yeah, we got some smart stuff today. Right. Let’s go. Wyatt, can we um, do the aircon on the Armstrong Siddley while we’re here? Have you ever read the instructions? It calls the heat to the air conditioning. Does it? Hahaha. Could we do the aircon on your bike? No, you just lift your visor up. I bet you can get bikes with aircon. Um. I bet you Can. What’s. What have you just done there? You just put some spittle. I was just seeing if this valve’s leaking and is it leaking? Yeah, I think it is at the minute. Oh really? Yeah. Oh dear. I think it’s cause it’s cold. Let’s wait up. How much we put in? So it was what, 1,000? And it’s 46 46 and we’re now 1 1 4. Oh, 1 0 1 4. We only put what, 20 odd grams in? No, 40 grams in. How many grams? 32 grams. 32 grams. Let’s get these scales back before your mum finds out. Yes, they’re mum’s weighing scales. Good. I’m impressed with that. We shall see if it’s made any difference. Absolutely. We’ll see if it’s made any difference to the smart car. I don’t think it will. New. I don’t think it’ll make much difference, but at least it’s topped up. Good. Thanks for that. If you enjoy the video, thumbs up please. Until next time. Thanks for watching. Goodbye. Look at that. Awesome. Thumbs up. Haha, there you have it then. I hope you enjoyed this video. I just want to recap. Do not try this at home if you do not know what you are doing. My dad is licensed to handle these products. Halfords have given this to us or sold this to us as a DIY. But if you do not know what you are doing, then speak to a professional. We tested the system before we Filmed this and we knew that there was no leak. There was a relevant attrition in regards to the aircon, um, gas that had released from the system over the past 10 years. We knew that there was not a massive leak, or indeed a leak, and that it only needed topping up. Should your system not hold any gas, there will be more of a problem than it just needing topping up. And doing that willy nilly is irresponsible and against the law. Until next time. Have a great day. Thanks for watching. Goodbye. As ever. Thank you for watching this video. Dad and I have selected a couple more videos for you that we think that you might like. They’re here now. Just give them a click to watch them. Don’t forget to subscribe if you haven’t already done so. It means a lot to us. Thank you.