Acting Audition Journey: From Doubts to Triumphs

I’m about to go to my first audition in four years and I feel so sick I feel genuinely ill today’s audition is for Shakespeare in Love I think it was solidly average I am about to go to my audition for Marie Antoinette I feel garbage about this one as well again just went fine not feeling good about callback potential things are not looking good I have still not heard anything I just got home from my Trail Mix audition probably wasn’t good but I went I think I made a bold offer don’t know whether they liked it this will probably be useless cause I won’t get cast I just got an email telling me that I got a callback for Trail Mix which is amazing four auditions in a row without a callback so incredibly proud of myself for getting a callback that is massive I gave up acting eight years ago a win is a win recover from Covid and got my Trail Mix callback moved and it’s today wish me luck just got home from my Trail Mix callback first callback in eight years so kind of exciting I’m pretty certain that I have not been cast it looks like I will be auditioning for She Kills Monsters in July which I think will be my last audition of the year and I don’t know if I’m gonna keep going after this to be honest yeah it would be nice if this story had a happy ending but maybe it’s just not meant to be I just got back from my She Kills Monsters audition which is my last MUST audition of the year I think it went okay [I decided I’m] gonna be delusional I’m gonna write on my audition form that I wanna play the main character which is never something I’ve done before I’m like so not lead potential so I got to read for the lead like three times I see auditions as a chance to perform and a chance to act and have fun and I really did have fun we’ll see how it goes I mean I never believe what they say I think I gave it my best shot I got called back for She Kills Monsters it’s so funny I had literally already given up again and the email came through this evening I would seriously be happy playing anyone in this play I would just love to be part of it but being called back for Agnes is obviously so exciting because she’s the lead if anything getting two callbacks in a row is hopefully a sign that I’m not complete garbage we’ll see how it goes hopefully goes well fingers crossed hello I just got home from my callback and I definitely do not have the part which is a really horrible feeling a casting director from Queensland Theatre asked me to audition for their upcoming production of Vietgone because clearly they’re having so much trouble finding Vietnamese actors and I literally told her I haven’t acted in eight years I’ve literally just started again but they want me to audition anyway I was like is this even worth my time cause it’s definitely not gonna happen and audition is a chance to perform and so that’s what I did can actually like barely stand to wash myself back I still haven’t heard back about my Vietgone audition this is just a cool opportunity and you know I wanna see it through this is my first professional acting audition and probably last let’s be honest I feel like I’m definitely getting ghosted Monash University Student Theatre announced that they’re doing Macbeth next semester I don’t feel great about my prospects but I decided to audition anyway I think the audition went well I had fun it’s annoying I’m like trying not to get my hopes up because when I put my director hat on like I wouldn’t cast me in Macbeth there are not a lot of good female roles in Macbeth I’m not good enough to be Lady Macbeth obviously and I’m definitely not a witch so I don’t have high hopes and yet I have hope anyway you can’t get cast if you don’t show up somebody asked about when are we gonna hear about callbacks at my audition on Monday and they said Thursday it is currently Thursday five o’clock so not looking good to be fair they often lie it’s Saturday evening and I got a call back for Macbeth I really wrote myself off I did not think this was happening I’m so pleasantly surprised no idea who they wanna see me for this also makes three callbacks in a row for the last three shows I’ve auditioned for at MUST wish me luck but I’m very excited this is such a big win and I’m definitely gonna treat it like one and celebrate just got home from my Macbeth callback I think it went okay veering on bad I don’t think I’m gonna get cast I would really really like to be but I just really don’t think there’s a role for me in this show which is sad because it’s a great one I got to do all three things that they had flagged in the email but I didn’t get any directions or notes and I did all three of those one monologue two scenes just did them all once I do not think that’s a good sign I presume I’ll get my email rejection late Friday would be my guess they said they’re gonna start calling people tomorrow morning yeah it’s not gonna be me which is so so sad but c’est la vie I got cast in Macbeth I just I’ve got into shock actually I had excitement and now I’m in the shock I felt so disappointed look yesterday evening I was like it’s fine I’m still so proud of myself for getting a callback and I was like well I haven’t got any missed calls and I know that YV the director is starting to call people this morning so when my phone didn’t ring all day I was like well that’s it I’m making my comeback in a Shakespeare oh I haven’t even told you who I’m playing I’m playing Lady Macduff and Caithness who is one of the Scottish noblemen all this to say is that every time I wanna give up on one of my dreams every time I’m just about to quit is usually when it gets good I’m so so thrilled to be making my acting comeback nine years in the making thank you Laurinda in Macbeth