Unpopular Opinions: Disappointing Reads That Didn’t Work For Me

we’re gonna talk about some very popular books that I DNF’d this might be a little bit controversial because so many people love these but these ones just didn’t work for me if you love them great I love that for you but these ones not for me at all No. 1 is Powerless by Lauren Roberts everybody loves this book but I got maybe like two chapters in and I just could not stand the female main character already and I’m like I feel like I’m gonna hate this and I’ve heard people say that it’s like blatantly a ripoff of like Red Queen and the Hunger Games and it doesn’t sound like something I’m gonna enjoy next is Butcher and Blackbird by Brynne Weaver I didn’t have this just because I was cringing so hard between the characters like conversations between them and I don’t know I just could not get past like how hard I was cringing and I had to stop at like 25% in When the Moon Hatched by Sarah A Parker I hated the writing in this um it was too like purple prose and too many like metaphors and the author was just trying in my opinion too hard to write so many beautiful sentences and they just I’ve had a hard time connecting to the character like understanding the world and everything like that and also I was like really annoyed by the female main character The Book of Azrael by Amber v Nicole this one I could be convinced to pick back up because I’ve heard people say that it’s very like slow at the beginning and I just like couldn’t connect to the characters or anything I didn’t think the writing was awful but like I’m willing to give this another chance so should I try this one again second book in the Shatter Me series I think is Unravel Me I didn’t finish this just because I was like not interested in the story anymore on the first book was like okay like I didn’t like love it I feel like I would have ate this up if I was twelve but it doesn’t hold any like nostalgic value to me and I just like couldn’t get through it The Seven Year Slip by Ashley Poston I gave this a fair chance I got like 25% in I just like could not understand how the characters were already so involved with each other like you just met like why are you having all these conversations and I don’t know I just couldn’t do it