Steve Ker: The Underrated 3-Point Legend Turned Coaching Dynamo

Today, I’ll tell you about a player much too under side to my taste, who still managed to win several titles, bring the 3 points back into fashion, not as a player, but as a coach. I was talking about Steve Ker. Steve Ker is the current coach of the Golden State, the one who managed to create 1 dynasty with this team. But before being that coach of giving up, he was 1 very good player, not 1 franchise player but 1/6 man. He has remained this player all his career, but he had 1 lethal weapon, the 3 points. He is the player with the highest percentage of 3 points of the entire history of the industry. , I admit, he didn’t take much shots, he only took big shots because he arrived too early. He was part of the generation where the 3 points it was 1 more weapon, but it was not the most important weapon. It happens in 1 generation where the interiors were more important than the leaders in terms of scoring in any case. And in addition it is 1/6 man, so necessarily he could not score as much shooting as Stephen Curry or the Thompsons, but it remains 1 legend of the 3 point shooting anyway. He scored ultra shots bells that made him win his team. And he has 1 record in college, over 1 year, he put 114, 3 points out ofcent-quatre-vingt-dix-neuf 57.3% success rate, do you realize? With 1 percentage this high, if he took much more shots, he would still have had 1 percentage above 40%. Don’t make me lie, Steve ker is still 5 titles, 3 with the Bulls, 2 with the Spurs. Did you forget that? And do I have to count the 4 as a coach with the Golden State? Oh, I don’t know. Yeah, I think so. Besides, I said that he put the 3 points back in fashion because he is the coach of the Golden State. And the ideology of the Golden State is the 3-point shoot. It creates systems to destroy shooters from afar, something that was not necessarily done before this team. Before this team, we didn’t have 3 even 4 players capable of falling to 3 points. And he is the 1st team to have 1 franchise player, 1 lieutenant who has their first weapon is the 3 points. Steph Curry with the Thompsons, you really think Steph Curry at Michael Jordan’s bous, he would have taken so much fall at 3 points ? No guys, Michael Jordan, he would have said, what are you doing bro? Something that he did not benefit from, he gave it to his players and that’s why 2 of his players are part of the best 3-point shooters in history. And yeah, then you’re going to tell me, yeah but breathe 1,000h Rebirth. Yes, it was like Who took a lot of 3-point falls in 1 system that was not made for 3-point falls, and for that, we can make it more effective, it’s really very strong. And lastly, ask yourself the question, how it’s done that all players who fall into the hands of stickers become 3-point triggers ? Ask yourself the question, Steph Curry, Jordan chicken, clethomson and most recently Paul James, who? So next time you talk about this guy and that you will say, yes, it’s not as good a shooter as that, think back to this video. What about you, what do you think of Steve Care? Do you think he has revolutionized the game, whether it is by playing or as a coach? In fact, do you think it’s 1 so good 3-point draw than this ? Where do you think it’s measured? It’s just that he didn’t take much soccer ? I think that even if he doesn’t take much soccer, putting them on, ah and well we have to put them on. Tell me what you think in the comments. And yeah, too underrated the old ones, we’re going to start losing the basics of basketball, I tell you