Zero Waste Week: Eco-Friendly Tips for Reducing and Reusing Household Items

this week is Zero Waste Week and I freaking love the planet so I’m gonna show you a few things I do around my house in an effort to be my best zero waste self so let’s do it everyone recycles these days but we all forget you’re supposed to reduce and reuse first so I’m looking at the waste I have and seeing how I can reduce / reuse it for example I buy loads of veg so I end up with loads of these plastic stupid vegetable packets but I’ve figured out a genius solution of what to do with them take off all of the labels stuff them all into the smallest one wrap them up or tie them together so it’s secure and makes the best little scrubby scourer for your dishes now I was raised in a house where you don’t waste food and I’ve taken that with me into my adult life so every time I roast a chicken I take the carcass and I make a delicious broth or stock with it I use all the juices from the pan and all of my veggie scraps pretty much I save them in the freezer so that when the time comes around when I’m having roast chicken I can just shove all of my waste in there I’ve even got some old chicken bones and wings that we didn’t finish and stuff so I boil those up literally for 24 hours use that first one as like the base of a chicken soup and then I refill it with water boil again for another 24 hours and use that as like a secondary stock for risotto and things like that delicious if you’re not doing this get on it so that’s just a couple of things I do if you have any other clever ideas of ways that I can be a little bit more zero waste in my house I’d love to hear them let me know