Redefining the Teacher’s Why: Balancing Passion and Livelihood in Education

Pre k pause cause tomorrow’s my first day back to school and I just got a really irritating email from admin. The email I think was supposed to, like, Pep us up. But here’s the thing. They started with remember your why, so I was already super irritated. They continue to riddle it with a bunch of cliches, but then they got to remember teachers do it for the outcome, not the income. Pause for a second. We’re not saying that or doing that anymore. Here’s the thing. When we continue that rhetoric, it just allows teachers to continue to be underpaid. Right, cause they feel guilty then for asking for more. And I’m gonna be honest with you, we do do it for the income. Because no one is working for free, especially people who are working with children and with their parents. And with this current school system, no one’s doing it for free. So although the income isn’t a lot, and while we do love our students and we do do it for the outcome, we are also doing it for the income. So you can no longer just say but do for the kids. Do for the kids. We are doing it for the kids, but we also need to make a living wage. So yes, you’re half correct. We do do for the outcome, but we also do for the income. Cause we have bills. Pay us accordingly.