Title: Ultimate Guide to Making Money with Print on Demand in 3 Minutes or Less

we’re gonna learn how to make some money together using print on demand in 3 minutes or less I’m gonna show you design product research how to create your product and list it let’s go first we’re gonna start on e rank dot com before you ever list a product you need to do research to find low competition keywords for you to list in everybody’s like Etsy is so freaking saturated well it is if you list in saturated niches I found this keyword Christmas leggings starting to pick up on Etsy searches and doesn’t have a lot of competition so we’re gonna design a pair of Christmas leggings we’re gonna post it on Etsy so next I want you guys to head to playground.com create a free account you’re gonna come over here to their seamless patterns you’re gonna see a bunch of AI generated templates here that create seamless patterns gonna find one we want and click it now we’re gonna tell the prompt what we wanna change about this image I’m gonna click what if it were I said what if it were Christmas theme keep the dog hat add a Santa hat change the heart blah blah blah click create um yes you can come over here and click verify pattern and it’s gonna show you what it looks like when it’s repeated once it looks good you are going to download right here we’re gonna head to printify.com and go to their catalogue and navigate to sportswear we’re gonna go to the all over print yoga leggings drag and drop your image onto the leggings once it’s there you’re gonna come over here and click Create Pattern this is gonna make a seamless pattern on the leggings now you’re gonna come up here and click apply to all areas now let’s look at them I mean come on right it’s only been 90 seconds so I’m gonna add a little bonus in here I opened up a new tab and I came back to printify to find this all over print bra and we’re gonna drop the same print here applied all areas and now we have a matching bra yes you can sell them together on Etsy okay let’s finish our listing so I’m back in the high waisted yoga leggings we need to fill out our title here you’re gonna take the exact keywords from e rank and copy them to your title so I filled my title with keywords I’m gonna write the description with AI I typed a little description of my product I’m gonna click generate and there we go I’m gonna click apply to listing I’m gonna come down here set my pricing make sure you do price and research and then you’re gonna hit publish that is gonna push your listing right over to Etsy so now what we need to do is create mockups cause people buy with their eyes only like leggings I like to use playset I’m gonna try to find one that could pass off as Christmasy this one does it you’re gonna copy here add your design and voila I spend a little bit more time making sure it looks exactly like the product from printify these mock UPS are so much better never use the basic mockups from printify I love you printify but it just doesn’t cut it tonight you’re gonna take these mockups from place it and upload them into your Etsy listing that is already published make sure you populate all of your listing images go and add your tags take those same keywords from your description and add them to your tags and then publish that and then go and do it again you wanna make money on Etsy need to first do your keyword research make sure you’re listing in low competition niches do your design research which we didn’t have time to cover in this video and then 3 populate your Etsy with as many quality listings as you possibly can just about three minutes here we did it let me know what questions you have