Mastering the September Surge: How to Revamp Your Job Search Strategy

if you’ve been having trouble landing a job the last three months it is not your fault and good news everything’s about to change so in hiring June through August is what’s known as the summer slump hiring managers and HR teams are on vacation big priorities are being pushed back no one’s really working on growing their teams everyone’s kinda just chilling and keeping things steady and barely anyone’s hiring so that’s all about to change because we are approaching what’s called the September surge essentially everyone is back in the office and they’re kind of chomping at the bit ready to go cause they’re feeling relaxed refreshed rejuvenated so typically around this time of year a ton of hiring happens here’s what you need to do to make sure you’re ready No. 1 update your resume and cover letter I’ve got some great resources for that in my bio No. 2 make sure your LinkedIn profile is in tip top shape and 3 this one’s most important start to privately message people in your network to let them know you’re searching here’s a message you can send them