The Viral Lasagna Salad: A Kardashian-Inspired Italian Sub in Salad Form

You’re telling me for forty years I should have been taking a device from the Kardashians? Ain’t no way I seen this viral lasagna salad. Apparently the Kardashians made this famous. I guess on their TV show. I don’t really know. Supposed to taste like an Italian sub, but in salad form. Feed me one head of iceberg lettuce. Chop it up, wash it. Now it calls for one cup of chopped salami. I’d say if I chop this up, it’s gonna be more than a cup. But I like a lot of meat. One can of chickpeas, drained and rinsed. I don’t have a clue what these things are. Never heard of them. One cup of shredded mozzarella. And now it calls for 1/4 cup of thinly sliced red onions. I don’t like onions unless they’re cooked, so I’m gonna bypass that. You can add it. Alright, now it’s time to make the dressing. Third cup of extra virgin olive oil. Quarter cup of red wine vinegar. Two teaspoons of Dijon mustard. Healthy. Pinch of salt. Crack some pepper. A quarter cup of Parmesan. Now give her a good shake. Put that over your salad. And now toss your salad. Like an Italian sub, but in salad form. I might just start eating healthy. You gotta try this. So good. Thanks, Kim.