Revolutionizing Refrigeration: The Future of Smart Fridges with AI Vision Cam Technology

if I go like this the fridge is gonna be able to actually open itself up which is a pretty neat feature the real star of the show is probably gonna be this guy right here this what we call our AI Vision cam this is gonna be able to track in real time what we take out of the fridge and what we put in it so if we are shopping uh we just came back from a shopping trip or we have some goods that were just delivered to us it’s gonna be able to process most of those goods so just to kinda give you an example of that so I’m gonna close this just so you get a better uh view of the screen here so let’s say this pepper for example we take that out take this pepper out you’re also gonna hear some audible things that’s basically the fridge saying that these have now been removed from the inventory but now if I put these back in the fridge you’re gonna be able to hear the dings for that as well so now when I close this you’re gonna see a pop up right here this is the fridge identifying that those goods have now been removed and have now been stuck back in so what’s really nice about this is because we’re using on device AI it’s able to process this extremely quick so if I go to my food list here it’s also gonna be able to sort everything by its expiration date so you know when things are gonna expire that way you have less of a risk of food spoilage