Remembering Grace: A Tribute to My Mother

Sorry, I just want to break out of this joke for just one more second. Scully, we are gonna go off script just a little bit here, if that’s cool, and we’ll get back to, I think, this cue later on. I just wanted to pay tribute to my mother, because actually, one year ago today, my mother passed away. And so I just wanted to say thank you so much. I mean, it’s amazing that she never got to see me in this place. She was the one who really encouraged me to be an actor. My name is Chris Che, but she really encourage me so much. I took her name. Grace is my stage name. And, um, I just wanted to take a moment to say how much I appreciate her. And I actually did. Before she passed away, um, I did get to have some pretty meaningful conversations with her. I visited her in Houston, and, um. Should I do another one? So. Yeah, let’s do another one. This is. This is our Q lab error. Skully, can you stop that from playing? And it’s frozen. Okay, three, two, one. It’s just. Welcome to drop out presents, a new series. Oh, my god, I’m so hungry. You know what? Could we honestly order food? Just try to stay emotionally where we are for