Building Diagon Alley: An Epic Journey with Lego Harry Potter

I started building this Lego set two years ago, and I’m nowhere near finished. It’s Diagon Alley, and it’s the second largest Harry Potter set that Lego has ever made. This is how far I’ve gotten so far, which is only two of the six buildings in this set. But today we’re fine. I’m going to finish this. I’m honestly surprised that I haven’t lost the instruction books at this point. But we finished this one. We still have number two, three, four, as well as a surprise at the end. And if 21 is. Because in the instructions, we see that the build ends with bag 20, which means that this is the 21st bag, and it’s a surprise. But now I think we’re getting started with the Quidditch supply store. Let’s go. Says I need to grab a new baseplate. Lots of cobblestone. I just made a stack of newspapers. They go into this little basket. And now it’s time for stickers. Serious black. I’m actually watching order of the Phoenix right now. I’m not ready for what comes later. But here’s the second sticker I just built. The door to the daily profit. And now I think we’re building a little shelf for the uniforms. It actually looks so good. Another Sirius black sticker placed in there. Bag 7. Oh, I love these windows. That printing is so nice. And there’s so many pieces like it. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. We have 6 of them. Sirius just Died we just built Ron. There’s the signs in the front. Oh, my god, A golden snitch. I’ve never gotten this in Lego before. That’s so cool. I attached it onto this little lantern thing. It goes right in the middle. And I’m finished with book 7. It’s time to attach them. That’s so weird. Doesn’t actually attach on the bottom. There’s just two little points on the top. But that’s what allows it to look a little bit crooked. So cool. Time for bag eight. I’m working on the daily profit now. Built a spider web. I think these are more uniforms. I just built a chest, and I have to put some Quidditch stuff inside. I love this. I got this ice cream guy as a minifigure. Little ice cream booth, bookshelf, and another one. Now it’s time to make a bunch of signs. It says bookseller, reading room and book binders. I love this. It’s so cool how it wraps around. I just felt this on, and it goes up here. Bag 13. And we have Harry Potter in this bag, covered in floo powder. He can hang out with Ginny Flores and Blotts. Here’s another bookcase. Goes on the second story. And then this is a spell book. It’s really tiny, but it says Wingardium leviosa at the top. And we just place it open right in here. I just felt the sign. There we go. These pieces here look like dragon. Time for the last bag. Of this book, we have Gilderoy Lockhart. I love that he has a cake. That is so ridiculous. Oh, and he gets to hold his book. Magical me. I just built an armchair. There we go. Little tea, set up a lamp. Really nice design. I just finished the roof. I just built two little cafe chairs here and here as well as a desk, which is kind of weird. The instructions said to just set it front, but I’m not gonna do that. It’s going in here. And we are now done with book three. Looking over to the back. I love that. The stairs, you can bring them down or kind of fold them up. Make the back a little bit flatter. But now we’re moving on to our last book, Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes. I think I said that right. Oh, we also build not turn alley. I didn’t even realize that till right now. There’s only six more bags left. As well as our 21st bag. Little surprise, starting with 15. Look at Malfoy and his Slytherin robes. It’s time for our last little base plate. I’m currently working on nocturnality. Here’s a little sign for it. Perfect. I just finished the bag and I put Malfoy hanging out right under nocturnally 16. And then we get Lucius Malfoy. We don’t like this guy. We don’t like him. Oh, and then his accessories, this, like, beaten stick. We’re putting him in the back of nocturnally. Time for This sticker. Wait, check out these little square pieces. I think they’re Minecraft head. But what’s weird is I have to put little stickers on them and stick them on here. There it is. And then all of these little concoctions. Here’s another little stack of stuff. Each of the steps has a different sticker on it. I’ve never seen this in Lego Pack 17. Oh, and we got George Weasley. Actually had to double check it on the top, cause I was like, which one is it? Time for all these stickers. Next sticker. I just built this sign for the front. We are so close, y’all. 18, and we have Fred in this bag. I’m pretty sure Fred and George are exactly the same except for the shirt color. Now I’m working on this giant thing. This moves. And then this just connects in here. Another sticker. So now it looks like this. There we go. Two more bags. I just built this rickety looking wall, but then I need to attach this window into it, and it kind of hangs at an angle. And here’s some lollipop. They go into this little cauldron in the corner. And then we have a lot of Fred Weasley’s basic blaze box. Put it along the back wall. I’m working on the stairs now. And I get to add lots of colors on the railing. There it is. It’s time to make some balloons. There’s 1, two, three, four. Perfect. We Are so close. Last bag. And then obviously the surprise at the end. The last big sticker goes here. Right on there. Now I’m working on a table. Check this out. It’s a little gemstone. It’s so pretty. Looks so good. I just made a stack of something. Oh, look at the little tiny mini figure. It’s like a little statue. I just built that giant head that goes in the front. It is time for the roof. There we go. The arm and hat piece. Move. And then here’s where all the love potions are. This looks incredible. Now, I don’t know what’s in here, but it sounds like Lego. And at the end of this book, there’s instructions for it. Here we have Harry Potter with the broken glasses. We also got Hagrid, and his accessory is the little pink umbrella. But then we also have a giant printed piece. What we just built is a display stand for Harry and Hagrid. I love this. But now let’s see the whole thing all together. Okay. Wow. I actually can’t get all of this in frame. How insane. What is this? This is so much Lego. So this is one of the ways you can display it. Just kind of all lined up or something else? They suggest is putting them kind of back to back, cause that it doesn’t take up as much space. But depending on how you store it, you’re not able to see everything. This might Be one of my new favorite set. This was so much fun!