Title: Reflections on Financial Fraud and Accountability in Society

No, but in all seriousness, George Bush should have left some of y’all behind. He should have left some of y’all behind until y’all could, like, get some basic concepts together, because. What do you mean, Chase Bank glitch? What do you mean? Y’all were just out here committing check fraud and calling it a glitch? Infinite money glitches are in video games. In real life, they’re called things like robbery and fraud. What do you mean, infinite bank glitch? What, y’all don’t remember the Cash App thing? Couple years ago? Y’all remember, like, the Doordash thing? Like, y’all were good putting yourselves fifteen hundred dollars in debt for some crab legs doing the cash app thing. Like the government is not gonna fire file a RICO violation on you. Like, do y’all think that we live in Candyland? I’m just. I’m just trying to understand how we could be the existing on the same planet and I could be sharing, like, oxygen with people who are like, who think that this is real and who keep falling for it again and again. Like, y’all dumb motherfuckers are going to prison.