Honking Soft Piggy: A Toy Review

That is a very, very soft pig. GOES HONK. And the reason it is such a good piggy GO HONK is that, as you can see, it makes the honking sound. Very small amount of pressure. She’s had it now for several weeks. It hasn’t torn. It’s quite soft rubber, but it’s got a stuffing in it, like a polyester stuffing and a honker in it, so it really honks very easily. Her other piggy, she had one that she loved. It was too hard. I bought her a softer one, which she does like. And then I went into pets at home and I bought her that and a duck that does the same thing. And they’re brilliant, because although we can play with them, she can make the honking noise, as you can see herself. And therefore she can have kind of independent play, which, while I love her, I haven’t necessarily got the ability to spend all day playing with her. And she can pick that up and amuse herself for 10 minutes.