Title suggestion: Reflections on Fraud and Financial Literacy in the Digital Age

if you’re feeling stupid today I need you to take a deep breath and I need you to think did you try to get free money from a bank today by committing fraud and if the answer is no you’re not that stupid you’re gonna be all right the amount I cannot believe the amount of TikToks I am seeing of people thinking of people lined up in front of a bank of people thinking that they could write themselves a check and then get the money out of the bank and close the bank account and it was just free it was a glitch I know that our public school system is really messed up but I’m pretty sure if I asked I’m gonna find one of my children in a minute I’m gonna ask my 14 year old my 16 year old if they think that that sounds like something that would be a legal thing to do a legal thing to or were we just bringing law not Karen because I mean there’s that’s one thing if you’re just like actively breaking the law and committing fraud and hoping to get away with it I mean you’re gonna do that anyway but the amount of people getting on this app now and crying and making these videos like my bank account is negative a billion a billion what did you do what did you do with a billion dollars I the people that are crying thinking that they’re they shouldn’t have gotten caught or that they’re surprised this happened I saw a video today and it was like if you owe the IRS $50 the Iras will the Iras will spend thousands of dollars to find you to get you to pay them that $50 do you think these banks were just gonna be like oh they got us for a billion just write it off if you thought that these they’re all gonna go to jail too like you know this carries like prison sentences this isn’t just like vines of millions of death if you’re feeling stupid today ask yourself did you try to defraud a bank of millions of dollars and if the answer is no one more day of you’re not that stupid