Love Yourself First: The Key to Healthy Relationships and Self-Worth

You know, people, they always say they want love until it’s time to put the work in. A lot of people haven’t seen what it’s like to actually have a healthy relationship and be with someone who actually cares about them and love them in its entirety. Some people, they wanna project, they wanna blame, they wanna point the finger instead of picking up the mirror and looking at themselves. We all like to blame, we all want love, but no one wants to do the work. Nobody wants to love on themselves before they actually get into a relationship or before they’re potentially talk to someone that’s on the caliber that they’re on. And that’s a mistake that we all make. Before you get into a relationship, before you do anything in life, make sure you love yourself completely and be 10 toes in the love that you have for yourself. Because there’s so many broken people out here that is praying and looking for somebody that is vulnerable and. And waiting to be stepped over and walked over and just treated like a doormat. And they know that you have the biggest heart and you’re a piece of gold, but they don’t wanna do the work on themselves. So what they do is they push you down, they damage you, and you’re left to leave with the damage control and cleaning up and being the janitor and being the mending of your own heart that has been broken. Because of this person. Learn to love yourself. People love yourself. Nobody can love you better than you can love you. And if you love yourself correctly, the way you supposed to, it would exude out to everyone else, and they’ll be able to see it. You won’t have to say. You won’t have to say what you need and what you want out of love, because you exude that and you present that in the world. Love yourself.