Balancing Ownership and Identity: The Influence of Possessions on Personal Behavior

Say you buy a nice new car, you probably gonna drive it differently than you used to. Say you get a new iPhone, probably gonna be afraid to drop it. Handle it with a little more caution. Get a new pair of shoes you’re gonna wear maybe once a week and not wear them in the rain. Now, there’s a fine line between taking care of your possessions and being reckless, but the. The balance needs to be a little more on the reckless side, because you ask yourself this question, do I own it, or does it own me? Do I use it or does it use me? If it changes, if some. If I have something that changes the way I do do things naturally, then it’s using me. Again, I’m not saying be reckless, but what I’m saying is be aware of how your possessions and what you own affects you and lean more into who you naturally are, not who the objects say you should be.