Navigating Friendships: Understanding the Dynamics of Different Circles in Your Life

I might be loud and I don’t give a damn. You gotta learn what friends go with what? What do you mean by that, kamaya? What friends to tell about your relationship, which shouldn’t be none. What friends to tell? Send my print. Personal stuff. Like. Some friends strictly be for just hanging out, turning up. Some friends you can pray with. Some friends you can go to the church with. You gotta know the church friends from the bar friends and never mix them. I am sweating cats and dogs. What friends you could share good news with, you know what I’m saying? And, you know, it’s just. I’m tired of you. I got so many different friends from different, like, areas of my life. I’m a Delta. So I got my license, I got. So I got college friends, I got high school friends. I still got elementary students friends. But I have Learned now at 37, who is who and what is what.